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Keep the Empty Boxes & Keep the Kids Busy for Hours


Many gift givers have been disappointed when a child likes a 📦 box better than the gift that came in it. This is because of the endless options for imaginative free play the box offers. It is the ultimate open-ended, construction toy. Gift givers can console themselves in the knowledge they have actually given 2 gifts in one.

Kids create towers, forts, ramps, tunnels, vehicles, and more. Just have plenty of tape on hand. Choose tape dispensers that do not have sharp teeth. Teach the children to tear painter’s tape and duct tape…with their fingers, not their teeth! Klever Kutter (spelled with a K) is an amazingly safe tool for cutting cardboard that I highly recommend.

📦 Playing with boxes will keep kids engaged and active for hours. Don’t announce it, but this kind of play teaches geometry, spatial concepts, critical thinking, motor skills, and more.

5 safety rules to establish before the kids get started.

1- Build where there is plenty of open floor space.

2- No throwing or jumping on the boxes.

3- Only use a safe cutting tool and a safe tape dispenser.

4- Parents, keep an eye on the kids.

5- After playing with boxes has run its course, throw them out.

I like the idea of letting the kids figure out ways of playing with and constructing the boxes on their own. Along with spontaneity and creativity, there can be brainstorming, planning, problem solving, and do-overs. If parents and children are more inclined to make something specific, there are tons of projects to be found by doing an internet search for “fun with cardboard boxes.” Building with cardboard has even become an international endeavor event. In 2012, the Global Cardboard Challenge was established. You can find out more about this at the website.

If building with cardboard is a global phenomenon, just think of the creations that will emerge in your home.

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